The Bumpy Road At Big one of the areas scheduled for paving this summer under the city's schedule. here the sign introducing picnickers and fishermen to the area guards the meandering road that disappears over the levee in the distance. …
With the 10-inch dredge now operating in its third season, Big Lake has been deepened by a minimum of eight feet over approximately 12 acres. water lilies give the dredge operators toruble by clogging the intake of the suction line.
Mud And Water...pumped from the bottom of Big Lake spew from the end of the discharge line into a bed of rushes that will be filled to form new recreation area around the proposed 60-acre reclaimed lake. Both Parks Supt. Richard Hilligus and Dredge…
Mechanics, welders and operators from Pentizien Inc. of Omaha swarmed over the city Parks Department's new dredge at Big Lake getting the equipment ready to operate. Gary Cross of the parks departments will be trained as operator of the huge…
Drinking Big Lake has been shut off the past two years due to corroded piping. A nearby spring water tap has been installed. Youngster pointing to Poet Longfellow's verse is Gary Aherns, 10, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Aherns of 2633…
aerial photo of Big Bend Dam on Missouri River, near Fort Thompson, SD.
On back of photo: stamp from US Army Corps of Engineers Photo # BBD 4496
Major construction is drawing to a close on the last of the six large dams built by the Army…
Big Bend Dam, last of the six main stem Missouri River dams authorized by the Pick-Sloan Plan will be dedicated Sept. 15, although final work on the dam will not be completed until next year. The $103 million dam, with its 538,000 kilowatt electric…
Owning a has enabled Mrs. Betty Williams to contribute to her family's income, while providing her with a career she loves. Starting out as a partner with Mrs. Betty Nelson, Mrs. Williams has expanded her business to include two…
photo of women in Betty's Flowers, identified on front of photo print as:
Front Row: Lori Winchester, Kathy Vincent, Kathy Land
Back Row: Esther Redding, Betty Williams, Margaret Abels
James Bettis' mother, Joyce, testified Thursday that her son was splitting firewood in the back yard at their home while she was inside watching television when Cynthia Barton was murdered. She was among defense witnesses at her son's trial for…