Viewing The Flood . . . from Highway 75 two miles north of River Sioux are three evacuees. This is the spot where the Crane outlet ditch parallels Highway 75 and empties into Monona-Harrison ditch.
Ringing Sand Boil . . . is a city workman, who places sandbags around the danger spot. Water has trickled into lowland between North Twenty-fifth street, the Illinois Central bridge line, and North Twenty-fourth street.
Sandbagging Walnut Grove School . . . is Jimmy Andersen, 2912 Avenue I, one of some 75 workers. The structure will also be planked in an effort to save it from the flood.
Attempting To Save Corn . . . a dragline is used to erect a dike around the home and farm buildings of State Rep. Harry Nielsen, one-half mile west of Blencoe. Over 10,000 bushels of corn are cribbed at the farm.
Photo courtesy of Hudleson Studio,…
Tugboat Runs On Mosquito Creek . . . near site of Iowa Power and Light Company's new generating plant, on the Missouri River south of Council Bluffs. The tug is used for ferry service to the plant project, now surrounded by flood waters.
Under Water Again . . . is this county bridge, one mile south of Onawa, near highway 75. The bridge was raised four feet after the flood two years ago, but water is again running over its floor boards. Two roads at this point have been cut off by the…
Sandbag Tracks Through Levee . . . More than 3,500 sandbags are place in the leveel gap near Big Lake where the Illinois Central main line goes north from Council Bluffs. Water has risen to about three feet from the top of the railroad's grade at…