Browse Items (7991 total)

Third Structure . . . housing Glenwood's Grace Methodist congregation, is marking its 100th birthday Sunday; this church was built in 1900.

Making Plans . . . for the future of Glenwood are Mayor Dale Harper; Dave Snow, executive vice president of the Glenwood Chamber of Commerce; Leon Wendt, Chamber of Commerce president; and Eugene Nasalroad, Glenwood Community School superintendent.…

Standing On Steps . . . of Glendale Church are the Rev. J. M. Strong, its pastor, and Bert Nielsen who is chairman of the church's anniversary activities.

New Pastor And Family . . . the Rev. and Mrs. Lewis H. Dunlap, Paul, 2, Ruth Anne, 3 and David, six weeks, are comfortably settled in their new home.

Public Utilities G546.tif
Photograph overlooking the Glen Avenue Reservoir - Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Fire Fighters - Girl Scout Office 8-8-1962.tif
City fire inspector Jim Burke and a neighborhood girl, Sherl Cox, survey the interior of the Girl Scout house.

Carmen Gioiello: After 33 years with Council Bluffs schools, retirement will come in June.

Working At His Desk . . . is Carmen Gioiello who received an award at the annual Parent Teacher Association Founder's Day banquet, and has been named for the Phoebe Apperson Hearst outstanding educator award.

All Is Ready . . . for the grand opening of the Jennie Edmundson Hosptial Gift Shop. Arranging items for display in the new facility are Lois Coons and Barbara Eilers, members of the hospital Auxiliary.

Gib's Western Kitchen
1968 & 1969

Giant Manufacturing Company

Giant Manufacturing Company
April 1973

Old autos are stacked 10-deep . . . at the Alter Company scrapyard. Manager Jake Barnes surveys the mountains of old junkers that is being added to every day. The company is in the process of installing a new process that will turn 800 junk cars a…
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