Ringing The Bell . . . of the old Pacific City School in Mills County west of Glenwood is Mrs. Stanley Bomer. Mr. and Mrs. Bomer bought the two-room school house and converted it to a home. Pacific City is one of the former county towns to be listed…
Glenwood's Clock Tower . . . has long been a dominate figure near the Mills County Courthouse here. It is a source of community pride as well as being an unofficial symbol of the city.
Taking A Look . . . at the elegant dining room table ready for Christmas visitors is Dodge House director Dawn Mosher. The large punch bowl that occupies the place of honor on the table is on loan from a local resident. Two gleaming silver…
"A Flemish Fantasy" . . . is the name of a flower-decked tree that brings holiday spirit into the Dodge House front parlor. The tree is decorated with dainty nosegays and lacy ribbons, while gold-colored Christmas lights provide a warm glow. The tree…
Dainty Snowflakes And Flowers . . . decorate the tree in the Art Nouveau room on the second floor of the Dodge House. The ornaments are entirely handmade from "quilled" paper and although fragile-looking, they are actually very sturdy. Nonetheless,…
Holding a Christmas Bouquet . . . this statue joins in the spirit of the season at the Dodge House. Victorians were fond of statuary, and this little figure stands guard in the dining room. Christmas wreaths and greenery also help lend a festive air…
On The Assembly Line . . . at Globe Electronics, Owen Meyerson and Leo Meyerson show George William Miller a new-type radio broadcasting set which can be used by untrained operations.
Their Church Home . . . for a total of 208 years has been Hazel Dell Methodist Church. The women are Mrs. George Osborn, Mrs. George Clausen and Mrs. Walter Cleary.
One Of Many...recent accomplishments in Council Bluffs, the Narrows Pumping Station, lower right, overlooks one of the top potential areas for future development. Among projects being studied is a municipal dock along the near shore of the Missouri…