Original Features . . . of the Folsom home are shown in this painting which was made in the 1880s. After the turn of the century, the house was moved closer to Third St. and a number of alterations were completed.
The Chef Menes Annual Award for food quality and management is presented by Yves Menes, executive chef of the Chicago Playboy Club, to Club 64 Chef Jim George and club owner George Elias.
Chef Menes is the holder of many food preparation…
Going Down...the heavy span with supporting legs partially cut through folded like a pair of scissors and landed with a thud on the well-placed timbers for a cushion. The bridge cleared the rail tracks by inches.
For Many Years . . .Miss Shirley Martin, right, of the Real Refrigeration team from Milwaukee, Wis., has coached and played in the national tournaments. Watching this year's opening game with her is Candy Boe, of Milwaukee. --Nonpareil Photo.
Former President Gerald Ford addressed the second annual Midwest Conference on Business in Omaha Thursday. While giving a morning press conference Ford commented that he supports the tax plan being proposed by President Ronald Reagan. (AP…
Ford Van and Storage Co. warehouse, 700 S. Main St. The blaze burst through the roof from burning storage vaults on the fourth floor. Three firemen were injured in the fire.