Ready For Danish Gov. Terry Branstad during a stop at the Danish Windmill in Elk Horn. Fitting Branstad is his wife, Chris. Nonpareil photo by Jim Curtis.
Gov. Terry Branstad speaks at a luncheon honoring area volunteers Friday. In the foreground is Barbara Finch, director of the Governor's Office for Volunteers. Nonpareil photo by Steve Glowacki.
The new voting machines for Pottawattamie County are starting to arrive. Doug Primmer, county auditor and election commissioner, and Gary Galle, deputy in charge of elections, inspect the first shipment. the 89 machines, which cost $2,206 each, will…
Gov. Terry Branstad explains his proposed state budget to about 100 local business leaders and city officials at a dinner sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce Wednesday night. Branstad is traveling to several Iowa cities following his Condition of…
Gov. Terry Branstad lends a helping horse to the 63rd Annual Sidney Rodeo as he waves to the spectators along the opening day parade route Wednesday. The rodeo continues through Sunday. Nonpareil photo by Dan Koenig.
Governor Branstad sitting at table; headline in Nonpareil newspaper in front of him on table reads "Harris Found Guilty of Murder" is from May 1, 1987 edition.
Iowa Governor Terry Branstad spoke at dedication ceremonies for the new flag plaza at the Lewis and Clark monument in Council Bluffs Saturday morning, and donated an Iowa flag. Dorothy Smith of U.S. Rep. Jim Lightfoot's office presented an American…
Governor Branstad, seated at table, hands folded. Likely 9-9-1987: same suit, tie, and backdrop as other similar photos in 9-9-1987 edition of the Nonpareil.
Gov. Terry Branstad gestures during an interview Tuesday afternoon at The Daily Nonpareil in which he said the state must cut taxes. Nonpareil photos by Steve Glowacki
Gov. Terry Branstad gestures during an interview Tuesday afternoon at The Daily Nonpaeil in which he said the state must cut taxes. Nonpareil photos by Steve Glowacki.
Federal Judge William Riley brought a $78,000 damage case to a sudden close when he ordered the jury to bring in a decision favoring Wayne Rhode of Tabor. Rhode's nephew, Lyman H. Elefson, had charged his uncle with maliciously causing his arrest in…
Overshadowed . . . by a 127-year-old authentic Danish windmill in Elk Horn is Carl Bonnesen. The Better Elk Horn Club purchased the windmill for $38,000 and transported it to Southwest Iowa from Norre Senade, Jutland, Denmark. Once finished, the mill…
Three Busy 'Danes' . . . walk under main street signs that fit Elk Horn's image - "Iowa Farm," "Elk" and "Danish." They are Herb Christensen, Susan Hansen and Connie Rasmussen, who investigated the community's climate.
The Authentic Danish Windmill . . . spins its blades near the south side of Elk Horn. The windmill was disassembled in Denmark and reassembled with volunteer labor in Elk Horn. It drew over 52,000 visitors last year.