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Elizabeth Dole: Gave Bush high marks in Thursday's debate with Geraldine Ferraro

Elizabeth Dole in Council Bluffs for her husband's campaign

Robert Dole 's visit to Council Bluffs

Gregory Reeder City Engineer Photo 2.jpg
Photograph of City Engineer Greg Reeder from the files of the Daily Nonpareil.

Gregory Reeder City Engineer Highway System 1-23-1993 Photo 1.jpg
Photography of Gregory Reeder standing by the interstate. From the files of the Daily Nonpareil, featured in the attached article.

Gregory Reeder City Engineer Broadway Improvements 5-9-1994 Photo 6.jpg
Photography of Greg Reeder from the files of the Daily Nonpareil. Photo featured in the attached article.

New Scout Headquarters...will be this brick home at 129 Fourth St.

Following His Speech...Nels M. Hansen holds a symbolic lighted candle at a Bayliss Park rededication ceremony Saturday night by local Boy Scouts.

Pointing Out Membership Paul Ryan, Trailblazer district scout executive, with Glen Keller, the 42,000th scout to join the Mid America Council, and Dan Mowry, institutional representative for Troop 3 at Roosevelt School, Glen's troop.

Eagle Scout Michael Howard of Avoca leads the retreat ceremony Thursday night by lowering the flag at the dedication ceremonies of the Little Sioux Scout Ranch. More than 2,000 persons attended the ceremonies at the camp which hosted its first…

Standing At The the Little Sioux Scout Ranch following dedication ceremonies of the camp are scout official Stan Michael, Ernest Hundahl, who donated 1, 200 acres for the camp, camp chief Ken Nickerson and Toshiji Inamori and Toshisada…

Checking Gear...which will used by Boy Scouts as they recreate the Lewis and Clark trip is Eagle Scout Scott Neal of Council Bluffs. The scouts will travel nearly 3,500 miles by canoe and foot.

Mementos...of the re-enactment of the 4,000 mile Lewis and Clark Expedition are few, but Mike Allen, Wes Rasmussen and Scott Neal will never forget their experiences of the past summer. They were among the 31 Scouts and leaders who made the trip…

Winners Of Special the Trailblazer District Annual Banquet are Victor Oknewski, Mrs.. Helen Helaney, Max Lieurance, and Bill Bowlds.

Displaying Awards...received at a special recognition dinner Thursday are Southwest Iowans Peter E. Heineman, Robert E. Jungst, Evelyn M. Talbot, George E. Rose and Willis D. Frevert.

Pulling A Buggy...during activities Saturday are two of the hundreds of Boy Scouts who attended the annual Scoutorama at Westfair.

Dolph Homestead . . . is shown in this drawing by Miss Ellen Dolph. Home was built nearly 80 years ago. The cement walk across the front yard was the first of its kind in Mills County. Some of the original shrubs and bushes still grow in the yard.

This diagram points out the areas considered for downtown redevelopment. The diagram is part of the Request For Proposal booklet submitted to the City Council. The identification of property in the areas includes: R. Residence, 1. Marjorie's Beauty…

The proposed Knudson-Morgan downtown office building (center) is triangular and features a plaza area (left) and parking lot (far left). The dark area to the right is the shadow of the building. Cars would exit from the parking lot to the alley…
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