Discussing memorabilia...of Bethany United Presbyterian Church's past 75 years are Jack Fernley, chairman for the obsevration; Elmer Shipley, who will provide a slide presentation and display and the Rev. David Grimm, pastor.
Pastoral Couple...the Rev. and Mrs. John L. Malloy look over the charred interior of their new charge, Bethel AME Church. The fire obviously originated in the pulpit area of the sanctuary.
Admiring New Sanctuary...of Bethel Methodist Episcopal Church are the Rev. and Mrs. John L. Malloy. The new church will be dedicated with a special service at 3 p.m. this Sunday.
James Bettis' mother, Joyce, testified Thursday that her son was splitting firewood in the back yard at their home while she was inside watching television when Cynthia Barton was murdered. She was among defense witnesses at her son's trial for…