Railroad Days 2024
"The Wedding of the Rails, May 10, 1869, the last spike . .
A Golden Spike . . was driven and America was united by the transcontinental Pacific Railway. "
Postcard of the Golden Spike, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
The Union Pacific Transfer Depot and Hotel, South 21st Street and 12th Avenue in Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Postcard of the Union Pacific Transfer Station in Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Postcard of the Union Pacific Transfer Station in Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Postcard of the Union Pacific Transfer Station in Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Inside of the Union Pacific Mail Terminal, November 2, 1951.
Union Pacific Depot, Omaha, NE, circa 1885. Built in 1882.
A train at the Union Pacific Transfer carrying troops from Council Bluffs, Iowa on their way to the Philippines,
circa 1898.
Union Pacific bridge construction over the Missouri River, March 7, 1887.
Union Pacific bridge construction over the Missouri River, May 30, 1887.
Council Bluffs riverfront with Union Pacific bridge in background, 1887.
Postcard of the Union Pacific Bridge.
Postcard of the Illinois Central Station in Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Illinois Central Railroad station, built in Council Bluffs, Iowa in the early 1900's.
After considerable remodeling in 1950, the Illinois Central station became the freight station.
Postcard of the Illinois Central Bridge.
The Illinois Central drawbridge, circa 1900 when pedestrians were allowed to cross the bridge.
Viewed from the Nebraska side, the Illinois Central drawbridge
swings open to allow a towboat to push a dredging outfit up the river.
Between March 3 and June 24, 1969, 213 boats passed through the opening.
Bridge operator, Bernardo Benavides, oils the gears of the Illinois Central Railroad drawbridge, 1977.
Bridge pier of the Illinois Central Railroad drawbridge, 1977. The wheels and gears allow the span to swing.
The Illinois Central Gulf Railroad bridge takes 15-20 minutes to swing the span according to employee,
Bernardo Benavides, 1979.
The Illinois Central draw bridge over the Missouri River. The Iowa span of the bridge was built in 1893;
the Nebraska span in 1904.
The Illinois Central Railroad Bridge with the Narrows Pumping Station in the foreground, 1959.
Illinois Central Gulf engine stopping in Council Bluffs, Iowa, June 1975.
Illinois Central Railroad Trestle over Big Lake north of Council Bluffs, 1899.
Illinois Central Railroad derailment on August 3, 1969.
Empty boxcars are moved out of the way and crews ready the grade to lay new track.
In 1884, a Chicago, Burlington & Quincy "Breakneck" Speedster averaged 31 miles per hour
in a mail run from Chicago to Council Bluffs.
The Burlington Railroad's ticket office in the Everett building
on Broadway and Pearl Street in Council Bluffs, circa 1880.
Dating back to the 1870s, the Burlington Freight Depot at South Main St. and 12th Ave.
was vacated by the railroad and leased for warehouse storage in the 1950s.
Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad depot at Hastings, IA, 1968.
On October 15, 1966, Burlington Railroad's Nebraska Zephyr collided with a dump truck.
There were no fatalities, thanks to the actions of engineer Earl Livingston.
Burlington Passenger Depot in Council Bluffs, April 10, 1897.
Built in 1893, the Burlington Railroad Depot at 407 11th Ave.
was purchased by Blue Star Foods, Inc. [later Conagra] in 1972.
Burlington Railroad's defunct steam locomotives are brought to Pacific Junction in 1961 to be scrapped.
Construction of "Northwestern Railroad," near Big Lake, circa 1870.
Construction gang working on the "Northwestern Railroad," circa 1870.
The Chicago North Western Railroad station was used as a boat landing during the April 1881 flood.
The station was located near Broadway and 11th St.
Chicago & North Western Railroad passenger depot, 1899.
Postcard of the Chicago & Northwestern Depot in Council Bluffs, IA, circa 1909.
Chicago & North Western freight office at left, rebuilt in 1953. Today it is the Railway Inn.
The old passenger depot at right was torn down in the 1950s.
Chicago Great Western Railroad grade at Bennett Avenue in Council Bluffs, Iowa, 1902.
Chicago Great Western Railroad grade at Little Mosquito Creek in Council Bluffs, Iowa, 1902.
Gilbert's Pond south of Big Lake, looking southeast.
Illinois Central Railroad tracks are in the foreground and
Chicago & North Western Railroad tracks are in the background, 1962.
View from atop Standard Oil Co. building at 16th Ave. and 3rd St.
In the background is the Chicago Great Western Railroad yards, with roundhouse at right, circa 1924.
Interior of the Chicago and North Western repair shop, 1952.
In 1956, Chicago Great Western Railroad roundhouse and repair track buildings at right.
New freight depot, passenger depot and office building at left.
In 1956, Chicago Great Western Railroad's new combination passenger depot (at left),
yard office (center) and freight house (at right).
"Engine No. 5" makes its last trip, ending Chicago & North Western's 93-year passenger service, 1960.
New caboose, "176," built in Council Bluffs by the Chicago Great Western Railroad and roundhouse crew, 1962.
In 1889, the Council Bluffs Union Ticket office housed various express firms,
including the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad ticket office at 507 W. Broadway.
The temporary Missouri River crossing of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad in the winter of 1872.
Before the completion of the Union Pacific Railroad bridge in 1872,
railroad cars were ferried across the river in the summer months.
Janesville Auto Transport Co. [center] had autmobiles delivered by the Milwaukee Railroad.
At bottom is the Great Western Railroad roundhouse, 1964.
A shipment of autmobiles arrive at Janesville Auto Transport Co. via the Milwaukee Railroad, 1964.
This is the Union Pacific Railroad Bridge across the Missouri River in 1954. Built in 1916.
The Union Pacific Missouri River bridge looking north,
with the Omaha Public Power District's Jones Street station pictured in the upper left, circa 1960.
Illinois Central crewmen assess damage to rails and ties after the April 1952 flood.
The tower of the Rock Island-Milwaukee Railroad depot, Sixteenth Ave. and Main St., 1959.
Union Pacific's Golden Spike Centennial Expo Train came to Council Bluffs, IA, September 26-28, 1969.
Union Pacific diesel locomotive, 1954.
The Union Pacific yards, taken from the east approach to the Missouri River bridge, 1959.
Postcard of Steam Engine Memorial at 39th and West Broadway, Council Bluffs, circa 1960.
Omaha and Council Bluffs Railway and Bridge Co. barn at 28th St. and Avenue A, circa 1892.
Postcard of the Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Railway Bridge over the Missouri River, undated.
It was built in 1888 and demolished in 1968.
Great Burlington Route - Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad
Grand Passenger Station (Union Depot) at Council Bluffs, Iowa.
The American Freedom Train traveled through Council Bluffs on September 22, 1975
and went on display in Omaha, September 23-28.
The American Freedom Train came through Council Bluffs in September of 1975.
The 2,100 foot train had 25 cars and a steam locomotive. Ten of the cars were used for public exhibits.
George Simons sketch from November 1867 with the caption
"First temporary bridge between C Bluffs and Omaha with first train of cars crossing, winter of 1867."
A train crossing a railroad bridge across the Missouri River, circa 1880.
Aerial view of the Union Pacific Railroad yards looking northeast, 1949.
The roundhouse is in the center, the mail terminal (white building) in the middle top
and the Golden Spike Monument towards the top left.
Rail yard in Missouri Valley, Iowa with the caption "Looking west from windmill." July 1, 1882.
Union Pacific Railroad workers performing maintenance, January 1962.
The 168th Infantry at Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Railroad
Passenger Depot in Council Bluffs, Iowa, May 17, 1919.
The 168th Infantry at Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Railroad
Passenger Depot in Council Bluffs, Iowa, May 17, 1919 on the Rock Island Locomotive #1625.
"Old 58," the same type of locomotive used by Union Pacific
at the time the transcontinental railroad was completed. Photo taken April 26, 1939.
Unloading railroad supplies on the banks of the Missouri River in Omaha in 1865.
The Union Pacific Railroad's 'Bailey Yard' near North Platte in 1968.
A viaduct built in the Union Pacific Railroad yards for employees
to get from the transfer building to the roundhouse and yardmaster's office, 1929.
A new diesel workshop was built by Union Pacific Railroad in Council Bluffs in 1956,
allowing employees to service all parts at the same time.
Piggy-back freight being unloaded at the Union Pacific Railroad freight terminal in Omaha, NE, 1973.
The Streamliner 'City of Los Angeles' at the North Western passenger station in Chicago, undated.
Train cars in the Union Pacific rail yard with the Union Pacific Transfer Depot in the background, undated.
The Union Pacific Transfer Depot, undated.
Union Pacific Railroad depot at 'Omaha City,' September 12, 1868.
Union Pacific's 8444 steam locomotive on display
at the Golden Spike Monument, 1982.
In southeast Council Bluffs, Chicago Great Western Railroad Co. trackage is slated for removal.
Midwest Walnut Co. and Red Giant Oil Co. in the background, 1969.
A crew dismantles the east yard trackage of the Chicago Great Western Railroad, 1969.