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At right is the architects', How/Nelson Associates of Omaha, drawing of the planned brick, steel, and glass building. [headquarters of Owen Industries] Groundbreaking for the project is scheduled fro early October. [Photo by Steve Glowacki]

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A proposal before the Metropolitan Planning Agency would add $75,000 in improvements to the Carter Lake water system to service Owen Parkway West, a business office complex in the southern part of the city. The improvements would also open the area…

Carter Lake sign, with Neighborhood Watch sign below it

The old army game had already started at the Armory Saturday morning as three men from the Fairfield detachment, Jack Zierlien, John Hay, and Frank R. Danielson, settle down in a corner to guard some of the medical division's equipment.

Unloading of the three state liquor trucks was proceeding at a brisk pace with four company K Red Oak men, upper row, Pvt. D.C. Johnson and Pvt. Dean Dutton, and Pvt. Dana Fuller, and Pvt. Victor Peterson, bottom, helping with the blankets.

This section of East Omaha, just east of the Pottawattamie county line, looked like a scene from Venice as the Nonpareil's aerial photographer swept over it Saturday afternoon.

Flood waters rolling in from the muddy Missouri had completely isolated this farm from the surrounding countryside when this air view was taken. Two horses left on the farm can be seen in the upper right-hand corner, belly deep in the flood.

As the crest passed the Dodge Riverside pumping station here early Tuesday and hundreds of workers who had toiled around the clock went home for rest, two lone patrolmen of the Iowa State Guard are shown as they meet at the junction of their patrol…

Herman Olsen, who lives at 36 Pickard Lane, Lake Manawa, rows his boat right up the street, almost to his front door. The flood waters covered a vast area of land surrounding Lake Manawa, but did not reach into the center of the village.

Normally this is the road that motorists use to travel around the southeast tip of Lake Manawa. Monday afternoon flood waters had covered the road to a depth of about 18 inches, poured over the floors of half a dozen cottages located at the end of…

Flood waters from the Missouri, sweeping into Lake Manawa from the south and southeast, completely surrounded the Council Bluffs Country Club late Monday, and water flowed up a swale to within a couple blocks of the road south of the Manawa school.

Members of the Fish and Game club, long-time workers for the conservation of the lake and its resources, saw this view of their club house from the Country club golf course late Monday afternoon.

Atop the sand-bagged, dirt bulwarked levee, which held the crest of the Missouri river flood waters away from Council Bluffs are, left to right, Mayor S.W. McCall, Lt. Gen. M.A. Tinley, commander of the Iowa state guard; Gov. B.B. Hickenlooper of Des…

Mrs. Marie Olson, and Mrs. Fae Burkhalter, of the Ottumwa mobile Red Cross canteen, were toasted in coffee Tuesday afternoon by Sgt. J.A. Bramen, and Corp. William Lemfor, of Atlantic, in appreciation of the Red Cross' work in feeding the many hungry…

City sewer employees have dubbed this flow of backwater from the Sixth avenue sewer manhole in Dodge park as "Old Faithful." The top of the manhole is below the river level, and is pouring thousands of gallons of water on the golf course. The pipe…

Council Bluffs, Iowa . . . Red Cross is right on the job of serving thousands of workers who are building dikes along the waterfront of this city. Photo shows Harold Bernstein, a dike worker from Council Bluffs, Iowa, as he receives some nourishment…

Red Cross volunteer Winona Coker has no trouble caring for her small charges in Danish Hall, emergency Red Cross shelter at Council Bluffs, as long as there is television to keep them rapt-eyed and quiet. The children are among the 48 persons…

Council Bluffs, Iowa - Mrs. Dan Shuffler, Red Cross volunteer, makes sure Mrs. George Jacobs (left) and her five children have plenty of milk with their noonday meal at on e of the 23 Red Cross shelters opened here to house families fleeing the…

Flood Emergency - G.S.\
Col. Person and B/Gen. Chorpening (OCE) inspecting the levee.
Council Bluffs - 14th St. Levee

Council Bluffs, Iowa -- Caring for scores of children evacuated from their homes, while their parents are working during the flood emergency has become a major Red Cross job in this community. Shown here are children from low-lying homes in the…
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