Ellis named to his majesty's council of AK. May 19, 1969
Ak-Sar-Ben royalty. October 23, 1971
Ak-Sar-Ben royalty crown in Omaha. October 20, 1973
Ak-Sar-Ben's general manager Isaacson is dead. January 1, 1974
Southwest Iowans look…
Ak-Sar-Ben royalty . . . are Queen Susan Hawkins and King Samuel Greenberg. They were crown Friday night and will be feted at the coronation ball this Saturday night.
All Spic and Span . . .for the start of the 1979 racing season is the grandstand and finish line at Ak-Sar-Ben Racetrack in Omaha. The Ak-Sar-Ben season will open May1 and a good many Southwest Iowans will doubtless be on hand. The track is expected…