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Harrison County apples compete for a piece of marketplace pie. March 18, 1987
Woodbine plants lands second grant. May 21, 1987
Cold takes bit out of apple crop. April 20, 1988
Woodbine hopes apples at core of prosperity. April 24,…


Carter Orchard
near Glenwood

APPLE HARVEST--Autumn time is apple time in Southwestern Iowa. Carefully relieving the bending limbs of their golden fruit is [sic] Archie Stacey and Jack Suhr, both of Glenwood.

First established in 1912...the Carter Orchard east of Glenwood was replanted in 1941. Now covering some 70 acres of the rolling Mills County land, the orachrd containes nearly 2,000 fruit trees...mostly apple. It is presently owned and operated by…

The Journey...from orchard to the farm plant is a careful one as Stacey and Suhr head for the sorting and packing shed with a trailer load of apples.

Both Mechanical And Human Means...are used in sorting and grading the orchard fresh fruit. Edwin Carter watches as apples mover over the grader. Mrs. Carl Yates of Malvern watches for rejects.

Channeled Into Their Proper the grader, the apples are next carefully packed in labeled boxes for storage. After Mrs. Truman Chambers of Malvern has deftly packed them, the cases are moved into the mommouth[sic] storage cave where…

Pleasing To Both Eye And this box of apples shown by Edwin Carter. The new cardboard packing cases are becoming popular in the trade.

They Look Good Enough To Eat...Calvin Sell of Glenwood displays a box of apples for Mr. and Mrs. Jens Christensen of Route 2, Council Bluffs, who drove out to the orchard to make a purchase.

An Apple A Day...might deep the doctor away, but they also are good eating. Enjoing nice red apples are, left to right: Carole Sue Stacey, Linda Rae Stacey, Mary Williams, Dale Stacey, Anna May Stacey, and Gary Lee Sell.
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