Browse Items (8067 total)

Portrait of Richard S. Hardin, Early Citizens of Council Bluffs.

Churches R484.tif
Photograph of the 54th anniversary of the conversion of Rev. Henry De Long, 1912. Group photograph. Partial list of names on the back of photo.

From back of photo: "54th anniversary of the conversion of Rev. Henry Delong; Broadway M.E. Church,…

Newspaper reproduction of a photograph of a parade celebrating the homecoming of the 51st Iowa Volunteers home from the Philippines.

Printed at bottom of image: "The Returning Fifty-First Volunteers, heartily welcomed at Council Bluffs, Ia. -…

Public Utilities C686c.tif
Postcard of the reservoir in Fairmount Park.

Parks R356.tif
Aerial view of Rainbow Point in Council Bluffs (Iowa) - published in a magazine or brochure.

Photograph of the quarters of Company "C," 2nd Nebraska Volunteer Infantry at Camp George H. Thomas, Chickamanga Park.

Business Q354.tif
Photograph of Quaker Baking Company, Council Bluffs, with trucks lined up outside.

Parades P764c.tif
Photograph of prohibition parade on 7th St. Council Bluffs, IA.

Events P747.tif
Photograph of President William McKinley during his visit to Council Bluffs, IA. Seated with him is Judge Walter I. Smith. Driving is Cal Shafer and Mr. Minnick. The team belonged to Taylor Woolsey, old restaurant man of this city.

DeForest, Lee D446i.tif
Photograph of a plaque honoring Lee De Forest located 229 Fourth Avenue, New York, NY.

Hotels P335c.tif
Photograph of the Pacific House Hotel at 430 Broadway in Council Bluffs (Iowa).

Music O853.tif

Photograph of the Oskaloosa Iowa Band marching in a parade celebrating the return of the 51st Iowa Regiment from the Philippines. Main and Broadway.

Mayors O833.tif
Photograph of Oscar H. Brown, mayor of Council Bluffs in 1930.

Genealogy O776.tiff
Photograph of a portrait of Orson Hyde. Early citizens of Council Bluffs.

Expositions O646b.tif
Photograph of the opening parade for the Trans-Mississippi Exposition, 1898 - Omaha Nebraska.

Omaha O434d.tif
Photograph of the city of Omaha, Nebraska taken from south 11th street.

Churches O433.tif
Photograph of the old Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church. Corner of First and Broadway.

Streets O255.tif
Photograph of the east side of Oakland Avenue.

Portrait of N. Spoor, Early Citizens of Council Bluffs.

Mayors N733.tif
Photograph of N. S. Bates, mayor of Council Bluffs in 1864.
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