Campaign Cards . . . are distributed at the Council Bluffs Industrial Foundation, Inc. breakfast. Howard Bessire, left, gives one to C.E. Baird, right foreground. Others at the breakfast are: James Mulqueen, Harold Beckman, Robert H. O'Brien, E.C.…
Inspecting A Sample . . . 0f "Nativ-Cast Stone," which soon will be manufactured here, are J.W. Van Unen, Joe M. Jamison, Howard Bessire and Duane Jamison.
Opening The Council Bluffs Exhibit . . . at the National Industrial Development Exposition are George R. Wimmer and Arnold C. Christensen. The large arrow points to the Bluffs Industrial Foundation site.
Proposed Factory Location . . . on the Industrial Foundation site is pointed out by Harold Beckman, president. Map shows site bordered at top by Twenty-ninth Avenue and at right by Highway 192. Uneven line from circles at top is proposed water…
"I Believe In Iowa With All My Heart" . . . Loren Hickerson of Iowa City (center) tells William O'Neil, Carl Stephens, Dave Dobell and Chamber President W.D. Cairney. "The key question is: How much do we believe in Iowa."
South Of Town . . . the Industrial Foundation's tract is bounded by Eleventh Street on the left; Twenty-ninth Avenue (the city limits), top, and Highway 192, right.
New Director . . . for the Council Bluffs Industrial Foundation is Larry Potter (right). He was elected to a position vacated by Jack Luhring who was transferred to Des Moines. Jim Richter took over Luhring's position as vice president. H.H. "Red"…
Checking Map . . . of Council Bluffs Industrial Foundation land is Ted Poteet, executive vice president of the Chamber of Commerce. Sale of the industrial land is moving rapidly.
white frame building with alcove and double doors at top of concrete block steps; sign in front reads: Church of Christ to Build Here.
On back of photo: 27th Ave & So. 8th St.
Built in 1954
Ch of Christ
[ as of 2023, building still stands as…
Studying The Bible...are the five trustees and founders of the Church of Christ at 2310 Fourth Ave. They are, standing, from left: Ray Hansen, Paul Clark, Lauren Kersten, and Leon James. Robert York is seated.
Pulpit Area...of sanctuary is beautified by diamond effect paneling in the background, accented by flax, gold, and brown color tones throughout the area.