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Shucks! You Just Can't Find Council Bluffs In Huskerland
Private Enterprise . . . provides the only marking on Nebraska's Interstate, between Lincoln and the Missouri River bridge, that Council Bluffs lies on the western edge of Iowa.
Tags: I-80, Interstate 80, Pottawattamie County
Interstate Diagonal Nears Completion
Paving machinery dots the panorama of the Interstate 80 diagonal intersection with the east-west I-80 route north of Neola as workmen complete the project. Paving between the intersection and Council Bluffs is now complete according to…
Tags: I-80, Interstate 80, Pottawattamie County
2 Interstate Stretches To Open Soon
The Neola Turnoff Sign . . . marks point near the end of the new I-80, to be completed soon. Neola is at left of highway.
Tags: I-80, Interstate 80, Pottawattamie County
Neola To Bluffs Route Is Opened
Interstate Highway 80 Is Open . . . from Neola south to Highway 375 in Council Bluffs. Iowa Highway Commission crews remove barricades at the Interstate highway's intersection with Highway 6, northeast of Council Bluffs.
Tags: I-80, Interstate 80, Pottawattamie County
Hwy. 375 Gap Closed
The concrete deck for the Interstate 80 bridge over Highway 375 near South Avenue will be ready to pour in about two weeks, a spokesman for Cramer Brothers Construction of Des Moines said Friday. Crews are now pouring spacer joints between the…
Tags: I-80, Interstate 80, Pottawattamie County
Council Bluffs, Ia 1957 Annual Report
1958 City Council...assembles around Mayor Paul Gronstal. They are Noran Davis, Joseph Katelman, Dr. Donald Lash and Gordon Brown.
New Council Chambers
Councilman Joseph Katelman, right, summarizes the council's accomplishments for 1970 during the final meeting of the year Saturday. The new council chambers included a raised, one-piece desk for the councilmen, and carpeting. Drapes are still to…
Council Is Active
Members Of The Council Bluffs City Council...are Mayor Ben Hoden, seated, John Pogge, Joseph Katelman, Donald Franksen and Kenneth Jensen. The councilmen are elected for overlapping terms and each year select one of the members to serve as mayor,…
City Council candidates answer questions; Focusing on Council Bluffs issues
Keeping An Eye On Election Day...are the four candidates for two open seats on the Council Bluffs City Council. From left are David Christiansen, Nancy Anderson, Dorothy Strohbehn and Selma W. Adams. The polls will open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
City Council File #1
City Council
File #1
thru 11/19/84
See also: Animal Ordinance
Urban Renewal
Downtown Redevelopment
File #1
thru 11/19/84
See also: Animal Ordinance
Urban Renewal
Downtown Redevelopment
Headed For The River
Paving crews for Dugdale Construction Co. of Omaha are pouring concrete paving on Interstate 80 Highway west from Highway 192 to the Spring Street Bridge now being built across the Missouri River. The $2.5 million paving project will be completed…
Bridge Moves Along
Drilling into rock about 106 feet below the river, men and machines for Tri-States Drilling Co. are nearing completion of the caissons under pier 9 for the Spring Street Interstate 80 bridge. All other piers with the exception of number 8 in…
Interstate Bridge Gap Closing Fast
A gap of about 200 feet remains to be closed for completion of the steel frame for the new Interstate Highway 80 bridge, said Gerald Rainwater, superintendent for John F. Beasley Company of Texas, erection contractor. "We hope to close the gap by…
Ready I-80 Bridge Deck
Workmen for Cramer Brothers Construction Co. of Des Moines work in their undershirts Tuesday as forming for the concrete deck of the new Interstate Highway 80 bridge got under way. Supt. Harold Tompkins said they expect to start pouring concrete in…
Really Groovy
Traffic on the Interstate 80 bridge is narrowed to one lane each way while contractors grind quarter-inch grooves in the bridge deck. The grooves will be covered later with a high density concrete that will last longer. When these two lanes are…
New Super Highway To Spare Dodge Park - Plans For Ball Diamond Out, But . . .
The Tentative Route . . . of the proposed Interstate Highway through west Council Bluffs is shown by dotted lines. The "X" indicates the point where a new park was to be located.
Interstate Routing:
This aerial photograph of Council Bluffs shows the route of the Interstate Highway System (heavy black lines) as it affects the area west of Sixteenth Street. In the center of the picture is the major interchange that will carry traffic between…
Little Loveland Smack Dab In Middle Of Interstate Dispute - Citizens Look For Boom If Route Approved . . .
The Business District . . . of Loveland consists of five establishments along one and one-half blocks of Highway 75. Trees at far right obscure the residential section.
Little Loveland Smack Dab In Middle Of Interstate Dispute - Citizens Look For Boom If Route Approved . . .
From The Opposite End . . . of town the business section looks like this. The east-west Interstate Highway, when it comes, will cut across the present Highway 75 a short distance beyond the point where the truck is seen entering town.
Will Open North 16th To Traffic - Road Builders To Sweep Down New Surfacing
Temporary End Of The Line . . . for the North Sixteenth Street paving is the Illinois Central Railroad track (alongside poles). Dotted lines show the approximate route the road will take north to link up with an Interstate Highway interchange, which…