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Events M535c.tif
View of the displays at the Midwest Horticultural Exposition held at the Council Bluffs Auditorium.

Fire Fighters - 5-3-1974 Midwest Walnut.tif
Smoke pours out of the west side of a dry lumber storage shed at Midwest Walnut. A portion of the building collapsed during the height of the blaze about being weakened by intense heat.

Oldest Structure . . . on the Glenwood State School grounds is being torn down to make room for a new two-story employee's dormitory. view is from window of new administration building.

Spectators Gather...outside the Minden branch office of the Farmers and Merchants State Bank Saturday morning following a robbery just before noon. A young gunman took an undisclosed amount of money and fled. Authorities were searching for three…

Parts Of The Road Grader...are scattered alongside the 100-car freight train with which it collided, causing the death of Delmar Schuning. The cab and chassis are in the foreground. The blade is at left. The rear wheels and engine are at the right.

Postcard of a miniature train at Lake Manawa.

Reminiscing About His Trip To The Holy Land . . . the Rev. Richard Hogan said he felt a sense of "belonging" during his visit. Here he displays mementos of his trip, including an olive wood plaque depicting the Western or Wailing Wall in Jerusalem; a…

Mrs. Roger D. Herrick with her daughter Lynette, and son, Scott, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Herrick's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mauck Jr. the Herricks will return to their Minneapolis home on Tuesday concluding a two-week vacation.

Talking About Her Ideas . . . on life is Rebecca Ann King of Hancock, this year's Miss Americal. She entered the contest for the scholarship money. Miss King plans to become a lawyer.

Sherri Lane Bowman, Miss Iowa, 1985, signs autographs before her fashion show Thursday night at Midlands Mall. The show was a send-off for Bowman, who will leave Davenport for Atlantic City on Sept. 6. Nonpareil photo by Dan Koenig.

Rebecca Ann King
- Photo courtesy of Temple Buell College

Genealogy M577c.tiff
Kareen Johnson, Miss Council Bluffs, 1963.

. . . the 40th Queen of Coblia, crowned at the Mardi Gras Ball in February.

Genealogy J453.tiff
Miss Jensen is accompanied at the window by Mr. John G. Woodward, Pres., Mr. Charles Beno, Director, and B. A. Gronstal, Vice President of the Council Bluffs Savigs Bank, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Council Bluffs, Iowa girl winning this title May 27,…

Arnolds Park, June 29 - Miss Iowa - Twenty-two-year-old Kay Nielson, daughter of Dr. And Mrs. L.C. Nielson, Council Bluffs, was chosen Miss Iowa last night. She will represent her state in the Miss Universe contest at Long Beach, Calif., late in…

Dressed For Comfortable Traveling . . . Miss Kay Nielson leaves her home to seek the glory of being "Miss Universe."
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