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A letter to Amelia Bloomer from Lizzie B. Hertbert, Des Moines, Iowa. Herbert informs Bloomer that she (Bloomer) has been elected as a member of the Cooperative Committee of the State Society, and begging her to accept. Herbert details some of theā€¦

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from Lucius Webb, East Granville, Vermont. Webb was Bloomer's cousin, son of her mother's brother. Letter describes where he lives, and gives information about family.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from her cousin, Lucius Webb, of East Granville, Vermont. Letter is in response to Bloomer's letter (responding to his letter of May 6), and provides details about mutual family members.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from Lucy Stone, New York, New York. She discusses the issues with/between the two national suffrage associations, and specifically referencing Mr. (Theodore) Tilton and Mrs. (Elizabeth Cady) Stanton.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from Lucy Stone, written from Waverly, New York, suggesting that a convention in Iowa would be better at the time of the anniversary of the American Association, since many speakers would be nearby.

August 5, 1869 Stone, Lucy, Shenaband Pt., Maine.pdf
A letter written to Amelia Bloomer from Lucy Stone. Letter regarding American Woman Suffrage Association.

July 29, 1852 Bronson, M. A., Medina, Ohio.pdf
A letter written to Amelia Bloomer from M. A. Bronson of Medina, Ohio. Letter regarding The Lily Newspaper.

November 15,1869 Livermore, M. A. Chicago, IL.pdf
A letter written to Amelia Bloomer from M. A. Livermore of Chicago, IL.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from C.N. Callanan, Des Moines, Iowa, asking Bloomer to assist in finding speaking engagements for Miss Strickland of Michigan.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from M.E. Wilson [Mary E. Wilson, Kentucky poet?], thanking Bloomer for sending The Lily, and enclosing a few lines for The Lily. Note at the bottom of the letter (in different handwriting): "A Kentucky poet"

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from M.F.C. [Des Moines, Iowa?] asking Bloomer to secure people to agitate the [women's rights] questions in Iowa's newspapers.

July 14, 1859 Brainerd, Butts, Harvey Magnolia, IA.pdf
A letter written to Amelia Bloomer from George R. Brainerd, D. W. Butts, and A. L. Henry of Magnolia, Iowa.

December 16, 1853 McNeil, Marion M., Farmerville.pdf
A letter written to Amelia Bloomer from Marion M. McNeil of Farmersville, NY.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from Mary C. Vaughan, Sackets Harbor, New York, referencing speeches and occasions.

October 2, 1852 (Green), Mary, Philadelphia, Pa..pdf
A letter written to Amelia Bloomer from Mary G. of Philadelphia, PA. Letter regarding The Lily Newspaper.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from Mary J. Coggeshall, Des Moines, Iowa, asking Bloomer for assistance in procuring signatures from Pottawattamie on a petition re: presentation of amendment in the Legislature.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from Mr. & Mrs. G.G. Rice, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Congratulates Bloomer on 40th wedding anniversary and 25th anniversary of settlement in Council Bluffs, and recognizes her part in the progress made.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from Mrs. A. Frazier, Leon, Iowa. Mrs. Frazier asks Mrs. Bloomer if she would write something to be read at a meeting of their new women's club.

July 3, 1865 Wickersham, Mrs. A. R.,  Washington, Ia.pdf
A letter written to Amelia Bloomer from Mrs. A. R. Wickersham of Washington, IA.

A letter written to Amelia Bloomer from Mrs. A.D. Davidson, Monticello, Iowa. Mrs. Davidson expresses the opinion that there should be a state convention, and names several men who might be considered to speak on behalf of women's suffrage.
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