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Entrance to Fairmount Park
Postcard of the streetcar entrance to Fairmount Park.
Tags: Fairmount Park, parks, photograph, postcard
Entire Hennessy Family Brushes Up On French - C'est La Vie! . . .
Conducting French Class . . . using flash cards is Mrs. J. D. Hennessy. "Pupils" are Michael, Brian, Jimmie, Lynne, Pat, Dr. Hennessy with Karen on his lap, Laurel and June.
Enthusiasm Inspires 5 Men To Organize Church Here
Studying The Bible...are the five trustees and founders of the Church of Christ at 2310 Fourth Ave. They are, standing, from left: Ray Hansen, Paul Clark, Lauren Kersten, and Leon James. Robert York is seated.
Engineers to be finished in 1960. DeSoto Bend time-table advanced 2 years
Now ice bound . . . this section of the Missouri River will become a part of the DeSoto Ben Lake after a new river channel is cut by Army Engineers. Timbered area to right will become a wildlife refuge. --Nonpareil Photo.
Engineers Plan To Build Underpass From Top Down
Detour Routes...will be constructed on either side of the Union Pacific's tracks at this location to allow train passage while Iowa Highway Commission contractors build an underpass for Interstate 29--from the top down!--Nonpareil Photo.
Engineers Hope To Start Soon - Plan Levee Bids Early In February
Where The New Levee Goes - This map designates the location of the Missouri river levee south of Council Bluffs and the three governing bodies under whom it will fall. These bodies have the responsibility of providing land for levee right-of-way and…
Engineer dies in train crash
Scattered At fatal train wreck near Pacific Junction, empty coal cars of parked train lie jumbled with those of northbound train that hit it. Five units of the 100-car parked train and 12 of the 110-car northbound train derailed in the…
Engine Donated For Bicentennial
Used as a working locomotive and a symbol of America's approaching 200th Birthday, this Illinois Central engine stopped in Council Bluffs Friday night and Saturday. Mrs. Cleo Hardymartin, 542 Franklin Ave., and her family were among those inspecting…
End Of The Line
Interstate 80 will soon be stretching further north with recent contracts led by the Iowa Highway Commission. Doted [sic] lines show the graded route of the superroad. Completed pavement (1) extends from near Weston (2) to Highway 375 in Council…
Tags: interstate, Interstate 80, Weston IA
End Of The Line
Pacific Junction is becoming the end of the line for many of the Burlington Railroad's old steam locomotives which have been crowded off the road by modern diesel units. The steamers are brought to the marshalling yards at Pacific Junction where…
End Of Landmark:
Dust Cloud Rises . . . above pile of rubble as the demolition nears completion. The debris holds memories dating back to pre-Civil War days. Stanley Katelman, who owns the lot adjoining Main Street, plans to erect a one-story building there. Ben…
End of Landmark:
The 107-year-old James Block at the southeast corner of Main Street and Broadway poses for its last portrait as it awaits a wrecking boom. The structure, which consisted of two sections housing the Picky Nicky Cafe and Herman's Clothes Shop, was…
End Of Buidling:
The old laundry building at Jennie Edmundson Hospital was being torn down Wednesday. The laundry has been moved to the new hospital building and is now in operation. Champney Wrecking Co. of Topeka, Kan., is doing the work. Champney is a…
End Near For Art Of Bygone Era
Ornate Chandelier . . . now tarnished and damaged still hangs in the parlor. Part of the painted friezes decorating the rooms can be seen behind it.
End Near For Art Of Bygone Era
Front Parlor Ceiling . . . is decorated by cherubs supporting scroll with initials A.A. C. The paintings are believed to have been commissioned by Al Clark, who once lived in the apartments.