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  • Tags: US Senate

Checking The Oil . . . Friday morning at Bob's Texaco Service Station, 1305 N. 25th St. are Robert Johnson, station proprietor and Tom Harkin of Ames, Democratic candidate for the Fifth Congressional District.

Checking The Oil . . . in 1974 at a local gas station is U.S. Rep. Tom Harkin who was then running for his first term as Congressman. Today, in his third term in the House, Harkin is still looking into autos - this time as chairman of the House…

"Hired Hands" From Washington . . . helped M.J. "Mick" Ryan Jr. with combine work on his farm near Underwood Thursday. Ryan gives directions to U.S. Reps. Eddie Beard, D-R.I., and Tom Harkin, D-Ames.

Name: Charles E. Grassley
Age: 59
Address: New Hartford
Party: Republican
Family: Wife, Barbara; five children.
History: Iowa House of Representatives, 1959-1975; U.S. House of Representatives, 1975-1981; elected to U.S. Senate 1980; re-elected…

Charles Grassley: "I spent my life on a farm, and I've never seen a turnip wagon, much less fallen off one."

Discussing Politics . . . are Jim Ross Lightfoot, 5th District congressional candidate, and US Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa. They were at a fundraising breakfast for Lightfoot Wednesday in Council Bluffs.

A Broad Grin . . . is a necessity when opening a campaign office. Chuck Grassley flashed his in Council Bluffs this morning.

Discussing Political Issues . . . with Dr. Michael Eggers at a YMCA breakfast in Council Bluffs today, is Rep. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa. Grassley is a candidate for the US Senate from Iowa.
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