Workers from three companies hoisted a 6,000 pound antenna for the Iowa Educational Broadcasting Network (IEBN) into place Thursday afternoon. The men placed the antenna on top of a 120 foot tower at the top of Linn Avenue near the IEBN transmission…
A. Richard Gross, publisher of The Daily Nonpareil from 1969-1988, and his wife, Virginia Gross, will preside as grand marshals of the Pride Week parade Saturday, May 21. The parade is dedicated to the memory of Evelyn Ahrens and her tireless…
Once A Busy Spot...Bartlett's Burlington Railroad Depot opens only once a day now when a single train stops in the tiny Fremont County town. At the left is the garage, at the right, the grain elevator, two of the communities four businesses.
Initial Visit . . . . To Headquarters Ninth Air Force by General Frank F. Everest (left), Commander, Tactical Air Command, was accomplished Thursday at Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina. General Everest chats with Ninth Air Force Commander Major…
It wasn't an April Fool's joke, but the children of Mrs., William Manning, 421 Gleason Ave., were sill in high spirits Tuesday as they prepared to have their tonsils removed at Mercy Hospital. Mrs. Manning thought there was little use in just having…
Honored for service . . .four members of Rainbow Post 2, American Legion, chat with Donald Johnson, former national commander, center. The recipients of lifetime memberships are, from left : Harry Cohen, John Leroy Peterson, E.D. Christensen and…