Bill, Ballenger, 15, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ballenger of 644 S. 1st St., is recipient of the God and Country Award, high honor in Boy Scouting. Ballenger worked three years to obtain the award. It was presented to him Sunday at services at…
Looking At Award...for outstanding leadership earned at a leadership school held by the U.S. Army Reserve are Spec. 4 Larry R. Martin and Capt. William Ballenger, class instructor.
Why is city councilman Bill Ballenger smiling? Maybe it's because he's just met someone who, like a city council member, needs a thick skin and works for peanuts. For the "big picture" on Ballenger's Omaha encounter Tuesday, turn to photo on page…
A big part of...Mrs. William (Sharon) Ballenger's life is her duties as guidance counselor at Abraham Lincoln High School. She helps students like senior Dee Christensen plan their futures. Mrs. Ballenger believes that her professional counseling…