Junker autos . . . are baled and sheared at the rate of 800 a day in the new giant machine that just went into operation at the Alter Company yard, 2603 Ninth Ave. An auto, minus motor and wheels, is loaded into a hopper. It will hold four cars.
Like pulling teeth . . . this oversized machine called a motor puller just reaches under the hood to extract the car motor in one bite. Operator is "Shorty" Campbell who has jerked thousands of motors. New heavy machinery is currently being installed…
Happy Cabs go anywhere . . . and sometimes after running their course, like other retired autos, end up in the junkpile. Tom Hale, account executive for Alter Co., looks over one of several retired cabs in a pile.
Local labor Officials...met with Democratic Presidential candidate Sen. Birch Bayh in Council Bluffs Saturday at the Holiday Inn. Pictured are Robert Leuck of the Central labor Union, Frank Jacobsen of the Amalgamated Meat cutters and Sen. Bayh.
A giant shredding machine at Alter Co., 2603 Ninth Ave. capable of tearing up more than 1,000 old automobiles a day is ready for operation. Looking into the heart of the machine workmen are installing the 22 hammers that do the shredding, each hammer…
Finished product . . . of big shredder is shown by Tom Hale, account executive at Alters. Old autos are reduced to clean metal more or less the size of baseballs, and read for steel mills and foundrys over the United States and abroad to be recycled…
To feed machine . . . an all hydraulic gantry crane sits high above wheels and rails to keep the hungry shredder's hopper full. Big jaws on the crane easily grab an auto off the pile of thousands on hand. The bodies are fed into the Alter yard from…
This is the Aidex Corp. plant site in the summer of 1983. Removal of hazardous wastes, many of which were contained in barrels on the site, began in the spring of that year. -- Nonpareil file photo.
Officials discuss the completed of the Aidex Corp. plant Tuesday while standing near a ground water measuring well that reads ground water contamination levels. From left, Jim O'Neil, United States Corp of Engineers of Fort Crook, Neb. ; Jean…
Spring Cleaning....The Bayliss Park Fountain is undergoing its initial stages of spring cleaning Wednesday, as park employee Norman Hensley[?] works on the top level. The fountain will be given a fresh spray coat as soon as a clean up is complete. …
The fountain in Bayliss park gets a new coat of paint from city park employee Robert Hemmingsen. Plans to replace the landmark with a modern centerpiece have been set aside for this season. [accessed from NewsBank search of Council Bluffs Daily…